Pixie Post

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Floating sculpture, photograph by Louise at Wellington Daily Photo. Posted Monday 18 September. Scroll down on her site to see a close up of a Nikau scultpture, you can see one at the bottom left of this picture. There are lots of the steel and copper Nikaus around the city library, they were designed by Ian Athfield, as part of the building's environment. The city had a couple of spares so they were 'planted' near the airport. Athfield, one of NZ's premier architects was not impressed.
Thanks Louise, great shot!

1 comment:

Flibbertygibbet said...

Doesn't it just look like something from a sci-fi movie? "Aaarrggghhh, run for your lives, the Spherons are invading!!!"

I think the late September sun has melted my brain.