Pixie Post

Monday, March 26, 2007


Each time I pick up the boys to come spend a few days with me, I bring home some treasure, some missed item from a previous life that I now really want to have with me. It has surprised me that there have been few things I care much about. At the weekend it was this. A large glass vase, filled with a years old collection of shells and beach glass from all over New Zealand. Oh, and there's the candle of course....which is burnt low now and has a gorgeous golden glow when lit. I don't remember where most of the shells came from...but there are a few things in there that are memories of special people, places, times.
Guess I'll have to spend some more time on some more beaches and fill it up.


The Sagittarian said...

"If I had two loaves of bread, I would sell one and buy hyacinths. For they would feed my soul." (The Qur'an)

I love that jar and the memories it holds for you - in your new adventure remember that self trust is the first secret of success!

Judy said...

amen to that!